A Safety Net for Your Wealth

When life's uncertainties arise, you can find peace in financial security when you've prioritized safeguarding your wealth. Live your life without threat to your finances. Grow your business without a financial safety net. Whether using asset protection tools to retire comfortably or mitigate risks to your finances over time, we'll work with you to manage risk and implement effective asset protection strategies.

Shield Your Wealth

Life Insurance Plans

Is a life insurance policy included in your investment strategy? Life insurance plans can help ensure your assets are protected and your wealth is transferred to your beneficiaries. Our Wealth Management Advisors can provide qualified support to help you select an insurance policy.

Couple Talking To Financial Advisor
Elder Caring For Children
Protection Your Future

Long-Term Care Planning

Standard health insurance may not cover the evolving needs that come with aging. Long-term care planning is a valuable asset protection tool. Let us help you create a plan to secure long-term care insurance and encourage financial stability throughout the golden years.

Asset Risk Management for Businesses

Businesses of all sizes rely on assets and finances to serve their customers well. Asset protection strategies like business insurance, retirement plans for employees, to succession planning are important to minimize unnecessary disruptions to operations. Let First Bank and Trust Company support your businesses with asset risk management.

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